The Mona Lisa: the most famous piece of art in the world, brings thousands of people per day to the Louvre Museum, many of whom are drawn in by the subject's enigmatic grin and enigmatic stare. The viewers of the fairly unremarkable painting of a young woman wearing a thin veil, dismal hues, and little jewelry may be perplexed and ask what all the hoopla is about. The simplicity of the painting conceals Leonardo's skill in realism. The artist's deft use of sfumato, an artistic method that models form instead of using lines, is demonstrated by the subject's softly molded face. Leonardo's unrelenting devotion to faithfully duplicating his precise observations is seen in the delicately painted veil, the expertly crafted tresses, and the meticulous representation of the folded fabric. Moreover, the figure's perplexing expression enhances realism.

Self Portrait: His Portrait? The red chalk art of an elderly man with long, wavy hair and a beard, which has long been recognized as a self-portrait, has been copied so frequently that it has become the standard image of Leonardo's appearance. However, some academics contend that the figure seems considerably older than Leonardo ever was; he passed away at the age of 67.
The illustration could be one of his bizarre sketches, which he frequently produced in his notebooks of individuals with peculiar traits. Regardless of who the picture depicts, it deviates from Leonardo's frequently mesmerizing subjects, but he nevertheless managed to give the subject the grandeur and wisdom of a mature age.
Read more on Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/list/10-famous-artworks-by-leonardo-da-vinci